Monday, April 29, 2013

Passive House Design in Canada

Passive House Designers. (Left) Christine Lolley and (Right) Tom Knezic

Passive House is known as the world's most rigorous standard for energy efficient building. It is a design methodology and a third party certification system resulting in homes that will consume less 90% energy than other conventional ones. The Passive House System combines with high performance building enclosures with the Passive Solar design techniques to create a cost effective, comfortable, and energy efficient buildings. Passive house has been applied effectively to more than twenty thousand projects worldwide, starts from single family homes to a large commercial and institutional buildings.

Solares Architectures is an Architectural Company that offers Passive House designing and planning. This is one of the main architecture products of Solares, and they have earned a reputation as local experts on designing Passive House in Ontario Canada. In 2010, Tom Knezic has been completed the training course about the Passive House methodology then began working on it. Tom wrote the "Passive House Designer Examination" in 2011, and recently awarded the "Passive House Designer" designation by the "Passivhaus Institut in Darmstadt Germany".